Marvel Comics; $2.99
When writer Ed Brubaker took over Daredevil from its previous scribe, Brian Michael Bendis, it didn’t take long to realize that Brubaker “got” the character as much as Bendis did.
In fact, what was even more impressive than BMB’s run on the book was how seamlessly Brubaker’s initial storyline flowed from what he’d been handed when he came on board. Just a few months later, Brubaker had clearly made the book his own.
Daredevil #93 wraped up some major plot threads and set the stage for more to come. It was defintely a lot of fun for Daredevil fans.
More than a decade removed from the issue and the review I posted back when it was new, the seamlessness of the transition to Brubaker as the writer is actually more impressive than it was originally. In the character’s storied history, very rarely has one great run on the title been followed immediately by another. But that was definitely the case this time.
The grit, the crime, the craziness of Matt Murdock’s world, his friends, his passion for justice... it’s all in there.
While Brubaker has gone on to some amazing creator-owned projects (Criminal, Velvet, The Fade Out, and more), it’s still fun to remember when he shook up ol’ hornhead’s world.
Seek this one – and his other issues -– out. You won’t be disappointed.
– J.C. Vaughn