
Comicpedigrees.com is now unveiling the Allentown pedigree chapter of their upcoming book on the 45 greatest Golden Age collections ever discovered, which can be viewed at: comicpedigrees.com. This sneak peek reveals how each collection will be presented in the book, including their discovery, the original list, charts and graphs on grade and content, and tons of pictures of pedigree copies. "We've spent countless hours researching each collection to make sure no stone was left unturned," said Matt Nelson, who is co-authoring the book with Stephen Ritter. "Thanks to the scope of this project and the community's anticipation, most everyone has been forthcoming with information. We've discovered many new facts that will surprise even the most seasoned collectors. It's a challenge to present the mountain of material in an orderly fashion, but luckily we've got Arnie Sawyer working with us,” said Nelson.

Arnie Sawyer is well known for his work on the first Marvel Universe cardset from Skybox, as well as several instantly recognizable logos throughout the industry. He also known for his design work on movie posters for independent films. "Arnie has graciously taken on this project despite his busy schedule, but I know it's a labor of love," said Nelson. "It's apparent from this Allentown chapter that he's the right guy for the job."

The book is slated for a summer 2008 release, as Nelson and Ritter are currently finishing the last of the 45 write-ups. "Even as we finish editing and finalizing the front and back end of the book, the stream of new information doesn't stop. Many times we've had to revisit chapters that were previously finished, and add or completely change things based on new facts that have come to light. But accuracy is our #1 goal. We've only got one shot to get this right," said Ritter.

For more information visit comicpedigrees.com for updates as the book's release draws near. Anyone with information to share regarding pedigreed collections can contact Matt Nelson at matt@comicpedigrees.com or Stephen Ritter at sritter@woh.rr.com.